HPK taruh disini
This post for Homèmadè Chickèn Alfrèdo is sponsorèd by Parmigiano Règgiano. I havè bèèn compènsatèd for my timè, but all opinions arè my own. Thè kèy to a good chickèn alfrèdo rècipè is thè alfrèdo saucè. Without it, you would simply havè chickèn and noodlès. So, what makès a good chickèn alfrèdo saucè? Wèll, it’s all about using frèshly gratèd parmèsan chèèsè! Parmigiano Règgiano is known as thè King of Chèèsè, and with good rèason. Thèir wèdgès of parmèsan chèèsè arè absolutèly pèrfèct for making thè bèst chickèn alfrèdo.
- 2 lbs bonèlèss, skinlèss chickèn brèasts
- 1/2 tsp garlic salt
- 1/2 tsp mincèd garlic
- 1 pckg fèttuccinè noodlès
- for thè chickèn alfrèdo saucè:
- 4oz crèam chèèsè
- 1/4 cup saltèd buttèr
- 3/4 cup milk
- 1 tsp garlic salt
- 1/2 tsp mincèd garlic
- 3/4 cup finèly gratèd Parmigiano Règgiano parmèsan chèèsè
- Sprinklè mincèd garlic and garlic salt onto chickèn brèasts and placè on a rimmèd cookiè shèèt linèd with parchmènt papèr. Bakè at 350 dègrèès Fahrènhèit for 30-40 minutès or until a mèat thèrmomètèr mèasurès thè chickèn at 165 dègrèès.
- Whèn chickèn is finishèd cooking, placè thè chickèn brèasts onto a cutting board to rèst for about 5 minutès bèforè cutting into piècès.
- Whilè thè chickèn is baking, you can thèn work on thè saucè for thè chickèn alfrèdo. It is bèst to havè your Parmigiano Règgiano parmèsan chèèsè alrèady gratèd and mèasurèd out so you don't nèèd to wastè timè. Whèn you havè all of your ingrèdiènts mèasurèd out and rèady, turn your stovè on low.
- Thèn, in a mèdium saucèpan, add thè milk buttèr and crèam chèèsè, stirring frèquèntly. Whèn thè buttèr and crèam chèèsè havè mostly mèltèd, you can thèn add in thè garlic salt and mincèd garlic.
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