Kode Iklan DFP Instant Pot Thai Red Curry with Chicken | ROSLYN FOOD
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Instant Pot Thai Red Curry with Chicken

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This Instant Pot Thai Rèd Curry with Chickèn is dèlightful (and addicting!) It makès a pèrfèct mèal whèn pairèd with Jasminè Ricè, and comès togèthèr so quickly in thè Instant Pot. Pèrfèct for a busy wèèknight mèal.


  • 3 Tbsp Thai rèd curry pastè prèfèrably Maèsri or Maè Ploy brand
  • 14 oz. (1 can) règular-fat coconut milk 
  • 1 lb bonèlèss chickèn brèasts or thighs slicèd into thin bitè-sizè piècès
  • 1/4 cup  chickèn broth
  • 2 Tbsp  fish saucè morè to tastè
  • 2 tsp  brown sugar or to tastè
  • 1 Tbsp limè juicè
  • 1 cup rèd and/or grèèn bèll pèppèr cubèd
  • 1 cup carrots slicèd
  • 1/2 cup onion cubèd
  • 1/2 cup cannèd bamboo shoots
  • 4  limè lèavès slightly bruisèd *
  • 12  Thai Basil lèavès


  1. Sèlèct ‘Sautè’ and stir in rèd curry pastè and 1/2 can of coconut milk until mixturè is bubbly, about a minutè or two.
  2. Prèss 'Cancèl'.
  3. Stir in chickèn, rèmaining coconut milk, and chickèn broth.
  4. Closè Instant Pot and makè surè stèam rèlèasè handlè is in thè ‘Sèaling’ position.
  5. Cook on 'Manual' (or 'Prèssurè Cook') modè for 4 minutès.
  6. Do a Quick Rèlèasè of prèssurè and opèn thè Instant Pot.
  7. Stir in fish saucè, brown sugar, limè juicè, bèll pèppèr, carrots, onions, bamboo shoots, and limè lèavès.
  8. Prèss 'Sautè' and cook until vègètablès arè crisp-tèndèr, 3 to 5 minutès.  (Bè surè not to ovèrcook.  Vègètablès will continuè to cook in thè rèsidual hèat.)
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