HPK taruh disini
Cheesy macarôni and cheese with bacôn.
- 1 lb cavatappi pasta
- 6 slices bacôn côôked and diced
- 2 tbsp butter
- 2 tbsp flôur
- 2 cups milk
- 1/4 tsp ôniôn pôwder
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1/4 tsp pepper
- 1/2 lb sharp cheddar cheese shredded
- 1 cup côlby-jack cheese shredded
- 1 cup môzzarella cheese shredded
- 6 slices Kraft American cheese
- Côôk bacôn as desired. (I like tô arrange ôn a rimmed baking sheet lined with fôil and bake at 425 fôr 15 minutes.)
- Heat ôven tô 350 degrees. Côat a 3qt baking dish with nônstick côôking spray.
- Côôk cavatappi pasta as directed ôn the package. (Make sure tô lightly salt the water.)
- In a medium saucepan, melt butter and flôur tôgether ôver medium heat.
- Slôwly whisk in the milk, pôuring in a thin stream and stirring cônstantly.
- Stir in ôniôn pôwder, salt, and pepper.
- Allôw milk mixture tô côme tô a bôil, then reduce heat and simmer twô minutes.
- In a large bôwl, tôss tôgether cheddar, côlby-jack, and môzzarella.
- Whisk in sliced cheese and 1 1/4 cups ôf cheddar mixture. Remôve frôm heat.
- Tôss the bacôn pieces in with remaining cheddar mixture.
- Cômbine pasta and cheese sauce, tôss tô côat.
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