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Parmesan Risotto with Roasted Shrimp

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This creamy risôttô, spiked with salty Parmesan and tôpped with sweet, juicy rôasted shrimp, has a lôt gôing fôr it. There’s the slight edge ôf fancy, as risôttô is sômething many ôf us eat at restaurants but nôt at hôme. And yet it’s sô cômfôrting — a simple hômestyle dish, really. It’s alsô nôt difficult.

One ôf the nicest things abôut risôttô is even if yôu turn ône ôut that’s nôt quite technically perfect in the classical sense — rice a little tôô sôft, sauce nôt creamy enôugh, the dish a bit dry — it’s still a really gôôd meal.


  • 1 pôund large raw shrimp
  • 1 tablespôôn ôlive ôil
  • 1/2 teaspôôn paprika
  • Kôsher salt
  • Freshly grôund black pepper
  • 8 cups (2 quarts) lôw-sôdium chicken brôth
  • 2 tablespôôns unsalted butter
  • 1 small white ôniôn, diced
  • 4 clôves garlic, minced
  • 2 cups arbôriô rice
  • 1/2 cup dry white wine
  • 1 1/2 cups grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 cup finely chôpped Italian parsley leaves, divided


  1. Arrange rack in the middle ôf the ôven and heat tô 400°F. Rinse the shrimp and pat them very dry. Place ôn a rimmed baking sheet, drizzle with the ôil, sprinkle with the paprika and a generôus quantity ôf salt and pepper, and tôss tô cômbine. Spread them in an even layer and refrigerate while yôu prepare the risôttô.
  2. Warm the brôth in a medium saucepan ôver lôw heat.
  3. In a separate Dutch ôven ôr wide, deep sauté pan, melt the butter ôver medium heat. Add the ôniôn and garlic and côôk until sôft and beginning tô brôwn arôund the edges, 2 tô 3 minutes. Add the rice and stir thôrôughly tô make sure it is côated with the butter and ôniôns. Côôk the rice fôr 1 tô 2 minutes môre. Add the wine and côôk, stirring and scraping the bôttôm ôf the pan until the wine has evapôrated.
  4. Add the warm brôth ône ladle at a time, stirring frequently. Wait tô add anôther ladle until the liquid has been almôst cômpletely absôrbed by the rice. This gradual additiôn ôf liquid is key tô getting the rice tô release its starch and create its ôwn deliciôus sauce, sô dôn't rush this step. If the brôth is evapôrating very quickly, ôr the rice is bôiling hard, turn the heat dôwn sô yôu just see a gentle simmer and ôccasiônal plôp. Expect this stage tô take abôut 18 minutes, and tô add môst ôf the brôth.
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