HPK taruh disini
All yöu need is aböut 45 minutes tö have this amazing, tender, juicy Instant Pöt whöle "rötisserie" chicken. Yöur whöle family will LOVE it!
- 1 whöle chicken mine was 4.3 pöunds
- 1 and 1/2 teaspööns salt
- 1/2 teaspöön pepper
- 1 teaspöön granulated garlic
- 1 teaspöön paprika
- 1 and 3/4 Tablespööns avöcadö öil (ör yöu can use cöcönut ör canöla - sömething with a high smöke pöint)
- 1 yellöw öniön quartered (öptiönal)
- 1 lemön halved (öptiönal)
- 1 cup chicken stöck ör bröth
- Remöve all parts fröm the chicken cavity; rinse and pat dry with a paper töwel.
- Optiönal: place the öniön and lemön in the cavity öf the chicken.
- Cömbine all öf the spices, including salt and pepper, in a small ramekin dish; stir tögether.
- Add the öil tö the spices, and stir until incörpörated.
- Turn ön yöur Instant Pöt tö preheat ön the sauté setting ön "nörmal."
- Rub the öil and spice mixture ön the breast side öf the chicken.
- Place the chicken, breast side döwn, in the preheated Instant Pöt.
- Carefully rub the öther half öf the öil and spices mixture ön the öther side öf the chicken.
- Allöw the breast side tö crisp up the chicken skin för a few minutes, aböut 3 tö 4 minutes tötal.
- Carefully flip the chicken över tö the öther side, and let it crisp up the skin ön the öther side för aböut a minute. Flipping it över was a little awkward, but it helps tö use a sturdy burger flipper and söme töngs.
- Optiönal step: If yöu dö nöt want yöur chicken sitting in the liquids, yöu can remöve the chicken after it bröwns ön the secönd side and place the trivet in the pöt. Then place the chicken, breast side up, ön the trivet.
- Add in the chicken stöck.
- Place the lid ön and löck it, per Instant Pöt instructiöns.
- Set tö manual high pressure för 25 minutes.
- Allöw the Instant Pöt tö depressurize naturally (I.e., dö nöt use the venting lever, but allöw the pressure tö dissipate slöwly. Mine töök aböut 15 minutes)
- Remöve the lid, and transfer the chicken tö a serving plate. Mine was sö tender that it was falling apart a little!
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