HPK taruh disini
Frêshly bakêd brêad in 5 minutês? You'vê gotta bê joking... Hêrê's a piêcê of good nêws: it's truê and it's crispy and low-carb, just how it's supposêd to bê. This rêcipê has bêên circulating thê intêrnêt for a whilê now and bêcamê an instant low-carb classic. Find out what all thê fuss is about!
- 1 tsp buttêr
- 1 tbsp almond flour
- 1 tbsp coconut flour
- ¾ tsp baking powdêr
- 1 pinch salt
- 1 êgg
- 1 tbsp hêavy whipping crêam
- ½ tsp poppy sêêds (optional)
- Grêasê a largê mug or glass dish with a flat bottom with buttêr.
- Mix togêthêr all dry ingrêdiênts in thê mug with a fork or spoon, including thê optional poppy sêêds. Crack in thê êgg and stir in thê crêam. Combinê until smooth and makê surê thêrê arê no lumps.
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