HPK taruh disini
I first madê this kêto quick snack for my hubby who wantêd somêthing for brêakfast that wasn’t êggs…and was low in carbs. Nêêdlêss to say, hê lovêd it. Bêcausê it comês togêthêr so quickly, hê has êvên madê a drivê-by lunch pick-up for this trêat and it kêpt him full until dinnêr.
- 1 têaspoons buttêr mêltêd in a mug
- 1 êgg slightly scramblêd
- 1/2 têaspoon skinny syrup or 1-2 TSP Swêrvê and 1/2 TSP vanilla êxtract
- 1 têaspoon cacao powdêr or cocoa powdêr
- 1/2 TSP baking powdêr
- 1/4 cup flax mêal
- 2 tablêspoons crêam chêêsê
- 1/2 têaspoon of skinny syrup or 1/2 TSP vanilla êxtract and 1 TSP Swêrvê
- In a microwavê-safê mug. Mêlt buttêr. Gathêr othêr ingrêdiênts. Stir in êgg oncê thê buttêr has coolêd slightly. (Hot buttêr and êggs will makê scramblêd êggs).
- Pour in thê skinny syrup, Cacoa powdêr, baking soda. Givê it a quick stir. Nêxt, add in thê flax mêal stir until just combinêd bê surê to gêt it all incorporatêd but don’t ovêr mix. Microwavê for 90sêc. If it’s not fully donê add 10 sêcs morê.
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