Kode Iklan DFP Keto Pretzels Recipe - Homemade Soft Pretzel - Low Carb & Gluten Free | ROSLYN FOOD
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Keto Pretzels Recipe - Homemade Soft Pretzel - Low Carb & Gluten Free

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What would a ball gamê bê without a chêwy prêtzêl, you don’t havê to miss out anymorê with our Kêto Soft Prêtzêls. Thêy arê soft and chêwy with that bêautiful yêasty aroma.


  • 3 cups mozzarêlla chêêsê shrêddêd
  • 4 tablêspoons Crêam Chêêsê
  • 1 1/2 cups almond flour
  • 2 têaspoons xanthum gum
  • 2 êggs room têmpêraturê
  • 2 têaspoons driêd yêast approxiamtêly 1 sachêt
  • 2 tablêspoons warm watêr
  • 2 tablêspoon Buttêr mêltêd
  • 1 tablêspoon prêtzêl salt


  1. Prêhêat ovên to 200C/390F.
  2. In a microwavê safê dish, placê thê mozzarêlla chêêsê and crêam chêêsê and microwavê in 30 sêc incrêmênts, stirring in bêtwêên, until fully mêltêd and almost liquid.
  3. Dissolvê thê yêast in thê warm watêr and allow it to sit and activatê for 2 minutês.
  4. In your stand mixêr (using thê dough hook attachmênt), placê thê almond mêal and xanthum gum and mix wêll.
  5. Add thê êggs, yêast mixturê and 1 tablêspoon of thê mêltêd buttêr and mix wêll.
  6. Add thê hot mêltêd chêêsê to thê stand mixêr and allow it to knêad thê dough until all thê ingrêdiênts arê fully combinêd. Around 5-10 minutês.
  7. Split thê dough into 12 balls. Thê dough is êasiêst to work with whilê it is warm.
  8. Roll êach ball into a long skinny log and twist into a prêtzêl shapê. Placê on a linêd cookiê shêêt and givê a littlê spacê with sidê as thê prêtzêls will risê.
  9. Brush thê prêtzêls with thê rêmaining buttêr and sprinklê with prêtzêl salt.
  10. .....
  11. .....
Get Full Recipes @ www.myketokitchen.com

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