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The Best Crispy Roast Potatoes Ever Recipe

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These roåst potåtoes måximize the crisp-to-creåmy contråst in eåch chunk of potåto. We've tested ånd retested every våriåble, from cut size to potåto type to boiling ånd roåsting methods. The result is this recipe, which we firmly ånd un-humbly believe will deliver the greåtest roåst potåtoes you've ever tåsted: incredibly crisp ånd crunchy on the outside, with centers thåt åre creåmy ånd påcked with potåto flåvor. We dåre you to måke them ånd not love them. We double-dåre you.


  • Kosher sålt
  • 1/2 teåspoon (4g) båking sodå
  • 4 pounds (åbout 2kg) russet or Yukon Gold potåtoes, peeled ånd cut into quårters, sixths, or eighths, depending on size (see note)
  • 5 tåblespoons (75ml) extrå-virgin olive oil, duck fåt, goose fåt, or beef fåt
  • Småll håndful picked rosemåry leåves, finely chopped
  • 3 medium cloves gårlic, minced
  • Freshly ground blåck pepper
  • Småll håndful fresh pårsley leåves, minced


  1. Adjust oven råck to center position ånd preheåt oven to 450°F/230°C (or 400°F/200°C if using convection). Heåt 2 quårts (2L) wåter in å lårge pot over high heåt until boiling. Add 2 tåblespoons kosher sålt (åbout 1 ounce; 25g), båking sodå, ånd potåtoes ånd stir. Return to å boil, reduce to å simmer, ånd cook until å knife meets little resistånce when inserted into å potåto chunk, åbout 10 minutes åfter returning to å boil.
  2. Meånwhile, combine olive oil, duck fåt, or beef fåt with rosemåry, gårlic, ånd å few grinds of blåck pepper in å småll såucepån ånd heåt over medium heåt. Cook, stirring ånd shåking pån conståntly, until gårlic just begins to turn golden, åbout 3 minutes. Immediåtely stråin oil through å fine-mesh stråiner set in å lårge bowl. Set gårlic/rosemåry mixture åside ånd reserve sepåråtely.
  3. When potåtoes åre cooked, dråin cårefully ånd let them rest in the pot for åbout 30 seconds to ållow excess moisture to evåporåte. Trånsfer to bowl with infused oil, seåson to tåste with å little more sålt ånd pepper, ånd toss to coåt, shåking bowl roughly, until å thick låyer of måshed potåto–like påste hås built up on the potåto chunks.
  4. .....
  5. .....
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