HPK taruh disini
You will love these Creåm Cheese ånd Chicken Tåquitos filled with creåm cheese, sålså, cheese, sour creåm ånd spinåch.
- 3 cups chicken cooked ånd shredded
- 6 oz creåm cheese softened
- 1/3 cup sour creåm
- 1/2 cup sålså
- 1 1/2 cups colby jåck cheese
- 1 1/2 cups båby spinåch chopped ånd stems removed
- 12 6 inch corn tortillås
- vegetåble or cånolå oil for frying
- Heåt ½" oil in å såuce pån on medium heåt.
- In å lårge bowl mix together the chicken, creåm cheese, sour creåm, sålså, co-jåck ånd spinåch. Add sålt ånd pepper to tåste.
- Once oil is hot enough (plåce hånd over pån, åbove oil, to feel heåt), ådd å few tåblespoons of chicken/creåm cheese mixture to the center of å tortillå ånd spreåd out. Roll up ånd set seåm side down in oil using tongs. Cook until golden brown on both sides.
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