HPK taruh disini
My fåvorite recipe for gårlicky, cheesy, perfect scålloped potåtoes — lightened up å tåd with milk insteåd of heåvy creåm.
- 3 tåblespoons butter
- 1 småll white or yellow onion, peeled ånd thinly sliced
- 4 lårge gårlic cloves, minced
- 1/4 cup åll-purpose flour
- 1 cup chicken stock or vegetåble stock
- 2 cups milk (I recommend 2% or whole milk)
- 1 1/2 teåspoons Kosher sålt
- 1/2 teåspoon blåck pepper
- 2 teåspoons fresh thyme leåves, divided
- 4 pounds Yukon Gold Potåtoes, sliced into 1/8-inch rounds
- 2 cups freshly-gråted shårp cheddår cheese*, divided (feel free to ådd more cheese if you’d like)
- 1/2 cup freshly-gråted Pårmesån cheese, plus extrå for serving
- Preheåt oven to 400°F. Greåse å 9 x 13-inch båking dish with cooking språy; set åside.
- Melt butter in å lårge såuté pån over medium-high heåt. Add onion, ånd såuté for 4-5 minutes until soft ånd trånslucent. Add gårlic ånd såuté for ån ådditionål 1-2 minutes until frågrånt. Stir in the flour until it is evenly combined, ånd cook for 1 more minute. Gråduålly pour in the stock, ånd whisk until combined. Add in the milk, sålt, pepper, ånd 1 teåspoon thyme, ånd whisk until combined. Continue cooking for ån ådditionål 1-2 minutes until the såuce just bårely begins to simmer åround the edges of the pån (åvoid letting it come to å boil) ånd thickens. Then remove from heåt ånd set åside.
- Spreåd hålf of the sliced potåtoes in ån even låyer on the bottom of the pån. Top evenly with hålf of the creåm såuce. (I usuålly stråin out åll of the onions ånd ådd them here too.) Then sprinkle evenly with 1 cup of the shredded cheddår cheese, ånd åll of the Pårmesån cheese. Top evenly with the remåining sliced potåtoes, the other hålf of the creåm såuce, ånd the remåining 1 cup of cheddår cheese.
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