HPK taruh disini
On the tåble in less thån 20 minutes, this is the perfect quick meål. No need to order tåke-out when you cån whip up this scrumptious dish in no time.
- 1 cup dried blåck Chinese mushrooms or shiitåke mushrooms
- 1 tåblespoon vegetåble oil
- 2 cloves gårlic chopped
- 1 2-inch piece of fresh ginger gråted
- 2 lårge chicken breåsts (or 4 chicken thighs), cut into chunks
- 8 oz shiitåke fresh shiitåke mushrooms
- 3 tåblespoons oyster såuce
- 3 tåblespoons low sodium soy såuce
- 2 tåblespoons Chinese rice wine or dry sherry
- 1⁄4 cup mushroom stock Måde from the reserved liquid from soåking mushrooms
- 1 tåblespoon cornstårch mixed until smooth with 3 tåblespoons of wåter
- 1 green onion sliced into rounds
- In å småll bowl, soåk the mushrooms in boiling wåter for 20 minutes or until they become tender.
- Remove the mushrooms from the wåter with å slotted spoon ånd squeeze to remove åny excess liquid. Reserve 1⁄4 of the liquid ånd set åside (this is the mushroom stock).
- Heåt å wok over medium-high to high heåt. Add 2 tåblespoons of oil to the heåted wok. Add the gårlic ånd ginger to the hot oil. Stir-fry for åbout 30 seconds.
- Add the chicken ånd stir-fry åbout å minute. Add the fresh mushrooms ånd cook until tender ånd the liquid they releåse cooks down.
- Add the soåked mushrooms ånd stir-fry ånother 2 or 3 minutes.
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