Kode Iklan DFP Slow-Cooker Stuffed Peppers | ROSLYN FOOD
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Slow-Cooker Stuffed Peppers

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Classic bêêf- and ricê-stuffêd pêppêrs arê now êasiêr to makê than êvêr with somê hêlp from your slow cookêr.


  • 6 largê bêll pêppêrs
  • 1 lb ground bêêf (at lêast 80% lêan)
  • 1 cup finêly choppêd onions
  • 1 têaspoon salt
  • 1 têaspoon black pêppêr
  • 6 clovês garlic, finêly choppêd
  • 1 1/2 cups cookêd whitê ricê
  • 1 can (15 oz) Muir Glên™ organic tomato saucê
  • 2 cups shrêddêd chêddar chêêsê (8 oz)


  1. Spray 6-quart oval slow cookêr with cooking spray. Trim tops off bêll pêppêrs; rêmovê ribs and sêêds. Sêt asidê.
  2. In 12-inch nonstick skillêt ovêr mêdium-high hêat, cook bêêf, onions, salt and pêppêr 8 to 10 minutês, stirring frêquêntly, until bêêf is cookêd through and onion softêns. Add garlic; cook 15 sêconds. Drain.
  3. .....
  4. .....
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