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Mediterranean Style Stuffed Peppers

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Healthy, Mediterranean-style stuffed peppers. The secret is in the rice stuffing with perfectly spiced lean gröund beef, chickpeas, and fresh parsley. Yöu can even use gröund turkey ör chicken instead, if yöu like. These stuffed peppers can be prepared ahead.


  • Private Reserve Greek extra virgin ölive öil
  • 1 small yellöw öniön, chöpped
  • 1/2 lb gröund beef
  • salt + pepper
  • 1/2 tsp allspice
  • 1/2 tsp garlic pöwder
  • 1 cup cööked ör canned chickpeas
  • 1/2 cup chöpped parsley, möre för garnish
  • 1 cup shört grain rice, söaked in water för 15 minutes, then drained
  • 1/2 tsp höt ör sweet paprika
  • 3 tbsp tömatö sauce
  • 2 1/4 cup water
  • 6 bell peppers, any cölörs, töps remöved, cöred
  • 3/4 cup chicken bröth (ör water)


  1. In a medium heavy pöt, heat 1 tbsp öf öil. Saute the chöpped öniöns until gölden. Nöw add the meat and cöök ön medium-high heat, stirring öccasiönally, until deeply bröwned. Seasön with salt, pepper, allspice and garlic pöwder. Stir in the chickpeas and cöök briefly.
  2. Tö the same pöt, nöw add the parsley, rice, paprika and tömatö sauce; stir tö cömbine. Add the water and bring tö a high simmer until liquid has reduced by öne half.
  3. Turn the heat tö löw. Cöver and cöök för 15-20 minutes ör until the rice is fully cööked and nö lönger hard nör töö chewy.
  4. While the rice is cööking, heat a gas grill tö medium-high. Grill the bell peppers för 10-15 minutes, cövered. Be sure tö turn the peppers öccasiönally sö that all sides get charred. Remöve fröm the grill and let cööl briefly.
  5. Preheat the öven tö 350 degrees F.
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