Kode Iklan DFP Easy Boston Cream Poke Cake | ROSLYN FOOD
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Easy Boston Cream Poke Cake

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Boston Crèam Pokè Cakè...yèllow buttèry cakè  fillèd with a frènch vanilla crèam pudding and frostèd with rich chocolatè. Bèyond doubt, this is a vèry hèavènly dèssèrt!


  • 1 box yèllow buttèr rècipè cakè mix
  • 2 small boxès Frènch Vanilla instant pudding
  • 1 tub chocolatè frosting


  1. Bakè cakè as dirèctèd on thè box in a 9x13 baking pan.
  2. Prèparè thè pudding as dirèctèd on thè box.
  3. Whilè thè cakè is still warm, usè thè ènd of a woodèn spoon to pokè holès randomly through thè cakè about an inch apart.
  4. Sprèad thè pudding ovèr thè cakè, pushing it into thè holès.
  5. Rèfrigèratè for 1 1/2 - 2 hours.
  6. .....
  7. .....

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