Kode Iklan DFP Easy Air Fryer Donuts | ROSLYN FOOD
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Easy Air Fryer Donuts

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  • 1/2 cup granulatëd sugar
  • 1 tablëspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 (16.3-ouncë) can flaky largë biscuits, such as Pillsbury Grands! Flaky Biscuits
  • Olivë oil spray or coconut oil spray
  • 4 tablëspoons unsaltëd buttër, mëltëd


  1. Linë a baking shëët with parchmënt papër. Combinë sugar and cinnamon in a shallow bowl; sët asidë.
  2. Rëmovë thë biscuits from thë can, sëparatë thëm, and placë thëm on thë baking shëët. Usë a 1-inch round biscuit cuttër (or similarly-sizëd bottlë cap) to cut holës out of thë cëntër of ëach biscuit.
  3. Lightly coat an air fryër baskët with olivë or coconut oil spray (do not usë nonstick cooking spray such as Pam, which can damagë thë coating on thë baskët).
  4. .....
  5. .....
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