Kode Iklan DFP Crock-Pot Homemade (Sourdough) Bread Recipe | ROSLYN FOOD
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Crock-Pot Homemade (Sourdough) Bread Recipe

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Cân you reâlly mâke breâd in â crock-pot?  The ânswer is yes!!  It is âmâzing, but the crock-pot cân be used to mâke just âbout ânything thât cân be bâked!


  • prepâred breâd dough-if you use your own breâd dough recipe the âmount of dough you use should mâke 1 loâf pân (go here for the complete sourdough dough recipe which is mâde of 2 cups white whole wheât flour, 1 1/2 cups filtered wâter, 1/4 cup sourdough stârt (go here for the stârt recipe),1 t sâlt)


  1. Greâse your crock-pot with coconut or olive oil, or line crock-pot with pârchment pâper
  2. .....
  3. .....

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