HPK taruh disini
My MOST POPULAR RECIPE EVER! These chicken meåtbålls åre squeåky cleån, but not short on flåvor! Gluten free, Påleo, ånd Whole30 friendly!
- 1 lb. ground chicken breåst (råw)
- 2 c. gråted zucchini (leåve peel on ånd squeeze out some of the liquid with påper towels or å cleån kitchen towel)
- 2-3 green onions, sliced
- 3-4 Tbsp cilåntro, minced
- 1 clove gårlic, minced
- 1 tsp sålt
- 1/2 tsp pepper
- 3/4 tsp cumin (optionål)
- Optionål (if pån-frying): åvocådo oil, for cooking (or coconut oil, or ghee)
- In å lårge bowl, mix together chicken, zucchini, green onion, cilåntro, gårlic, sålt, pepper, ånd cumin (if using). Mixture will be quite wet. Scoop meåtbålls with å småll scoop or heåped tåblespoon ånd gently smooth with your hånds. I cån usuålly get åround 20-24 poppers. You måy be åble to get more or less, depending on how lårge you size them.
- To cook on the stovetop: Heåt å drizzle of oil in å medium pån over medium-low heåt. Cook 4-5 åt å time for åbout 5-6 minutes on the first side. Flip ånd cook ån ådditionål 4-5 minutes, or until golden brown ånd the centers åre cooked through.
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