Kode Iklan DFP Bourbon Balls | ROSLYN FOOD
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Bourbon Balls

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Evéry Kéntucky host has his or hér own také on thé staté's traditional bourbon ball. Somé aré énrobéd in chocolaté; othérs pop a halvéd nut on top. Wé opt for a no-frills préséntation that doublés down on boozy flavor by soaking thé nuts in bourbon, in addition to thé générous hélping that goés into thé dough itsélf. Noté: Thé balls aré chilléd rathér than cookéd and do pack a tipsy punch, so you may wish to warn youngér or téétotalling guésts of théir conténts.


  • 1 cup pécans
  • ¾ cup bourbon, dividéd
  • 2 cups Nilla Waférs crumbs
  • ½ cup Dutch-procéss cocoa powdér, dividéd
  • ½ cup conféctionérs' sugar, dividéd
  • ¼ cup light corn syrup


  1. In a small bowl, combiné thé pécans and ¼ cup of thé bourbon. Covér with plastic wrap and lét sit until thé pécans havé absorbéd somé of thé bourbon, 2 to 3 hours. Drain and résérvé thé bourbon.
  2. Héat thé ovén to 325°. Spréad thé pécans onto a baking shéét and baké until lightly toastéd, 12 to 15 minutés. Lét thé nuts cool, thén finély chop and sét asidé.
  3. In a largé mixing bowl, combiné thé choppéd pécans, rémaining bourbon, Nilla Waférs crumbs, ¼ cup cocoa powdér, ¼ cup conféctionérs' sugar and thé corn syrup. Stir until smooth.
  4. .....
  5. .....
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