Kode Iklan DFP Keto and Low Carb Hamburger Casserole Recipe | ROSLYN FOOD
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Keto and Low Carb Hamburger Casserole Recipe

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This kéto and low carb hamburgér cassérolé is warm, filling and so satisfying éasy wééknight dinnér that you can préparé ahéad of timé and thén baké whén you comé homé from work and évén gréat as a léftovér!


  • 1 largé héad cauliflowér
  • 1 pound ground bééf
  • 1 téaspoon cumin
  • 1 téaspoon paprika
  • 1/2 téaspoon driéd orégano
  • Séa salt and péppér to tasté
  • 1 cup coconut milk or héavy whipping créam
  • 1 cup chickén boné broth
  • 2 éggs
  • 1/4 cup slicéd almonds


  1. Préhéat thé ovén to 350 dégréés.
  2. Cut thé cauliflowér into floréts and discard thé coré, thén cut thé cauliflowér into évén smallér and moré uniform piécés.
  3. Placé a stéamér pot ovér médium héat with a féw inchés of watér, add thé cauliflowér into thé top and séason with salt.
  4. Stéam thé cauliflowér until aldénté (barély cookéd) and thén rémové it from héat and sét asidé uncovéréd.
  5. Placé thé ground bééf in a frying pan ovér médium héat and séason libérally with salt and péppér, cumin, paprika, and orégano.
  6. Bréak up thé bééf into small piécés with a spatula whilé cooking. 
  7. Whén thé méat is mostly cookéd rémové it from thé héat and sét asidé.
  8. Béat thé éggs, créam and broth togéthér with a pinch of salt and péppér in a bowl.
  9. In a cassérolé pan layér thé cauliflowér and ground bééf until it is uséd up.
  10. Pour thé égg mixturé ovér it, making suré thé méat and cauliflowér is covéréd.
  11. .....
  12. .....
  13. .....
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