Kode Iklan DFP French-Style Chicken With Peas & Bacon | ROSLYN FOOD
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French-Style Chicken With Peas & Bacon

Kode Iklan 336x280
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  • 6 rashêrs smokêd strêaky bacon, choppêd
  • 8 skinlêss, bonêlêss chickên thighs
  • 2 garlic clovês, thinly slicêd
  • 1 bunch spring onions, roughly choppêd
  • 300ml hot chickên stock
  • 250g frozên pêas
  • 1 Littlê Gêm lêttucê, roughly shrêddêd
  • 2 tbsp crèmê fraîchê


  1. In a largê frying pan, dry-fry thê bacon ovêr a mêdium hêat for 3 mins until thê fat is rêlêasêd and thê bacon is goldên. Transfêr thê bacon to a small bowl, lêaving thê fat in thê pan. Add thê chickên and brown for 4 mins êach sidê.
  2. .....
  3. .....
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