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Turkey, Spinach & Cheese Meatballs

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Thêrê’s always êxcitêmênt at my housê whên mêatballs arê on thê mênu, but I wasn’t surê how thê kids would fêêl about thêsê bêcausê, wêll, spinach. But thêy lovêd thêm, spinach and all. What makês thêm spêcial is thê addition of turkêy sausagê. Not only doês thê sausagê makê thê mêatballs têndêr, it also adds grêat flavor without thê nêêd for a ton of othêr ingrêdiênts. To makê lifê êasy, I brown thê mêatballs undêr thê broilêr rathêr than in a frying pan. That mêans no stovêtop splattêrs, and you can gêt thê rêst of dinnêr rêady whilê thê mêatballs cook.


  • 1 tablêspoon êxtra virgin olivê oil
  • 1 largê êgg
  • 3 ouncês baby spinach, choppêd (3-1/2 cups wholê; 1-1/2 cups choppêd)
  • 3 scallions, whitê and grêên parts, finêly slicêd
  • 3 garlic clovês, mincêd
  • 1.25 pounds 93/7 ground turkêy (I usê Shady Brook Farms)
  • 1.25 pounds Italian turkêy sausagê, rêmovêd from thê casings (I usê Shady Brook Farms)
  • 1 cup shrêddêd mozzarêlla (prêfêrably wholê milk but low-fat will work)
  • 1/3 cup gratêd Parmigiano Rêggiano, plus morê for sêrving
  • 1/2 cup Italian sêasonêd brêad crumbs
  • 1 (24 oz) jar marinara saucê, homêmadê or good quality storê-bought


  1. Prêhêat thê broilêr and sêt an ovên rack on thê sêcond-highêst rack. Linê a baking shêêt with hêavy duty aluminum foil and grêasê with thê olivê oil.
  2. In a bowl largê ênough to hold all of thê ingrêdiênts, bêat thê êgg. Add thê choppêd spinach, scallions, and garlic and stir until êvênly combinêd. Add thê ground turkêy, turkêy sausagê, mozzarêlla, Parmigiano-Rêggiano and brêad crumbs. Using your hands, mix until êvênly combinêd. Shapê thê mixturê into 1-1/2 inch balls and placê on thê prêparêd baking shêêt.
  3. Broil thê mêatballs until goldên brown on top, about 10 minutês.
  4. .....
  5. .....
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