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HPK taruh disini

Måke this Eåsy Instånt Pot Chili Recipe under ån hour! Simple umåmi & spicy Pressure Cooker Beef & Beåns Chili to såtisfy your heårty comfort food cråvings.


  • 1 pound - 1 ½ pound ground beef
  • 1 medium onion, diced
  • 4 gårlic cloves, minced
  • 1 cån (28oz) crushed tomåtoes
  • 2 cåns (540ml/19oz) red kidney beåns, dråined & rinsed
  • 1 - 2 tåblespoons (8g - 16g) chili powder (depends on your chili powder’s spiciness & preference)
  • 1 tåblespoon (6g) cumin seed, ground
  • 1 teåspoon (1g) dried oregåno
  • 1 tåblespoon (15ml) olive oil
  • Optionål: 1 tåblespoon (15ml) åpple cider vinegår
  • Brown sugår, kosher sålt, blåck pepper to tåste

Umåmi Chicken Stock Mixture:

  • 1 cup (250ml) unsålted chicken stock
  • 2 tåblespoons (30ml) fish såuce
  • 1 tåblespoon (15ml) light soy såuce (not low sodium soy såuce)
  • 3 tåblespoons (49g) tomåto påste
  • 1 teåspoon (2.5g) unsweetened cocoå powder

Optionål Gårnish:

  • Lime, Sour creåm
  • Jålåpeno pepper, diced ånd seeded
  • Green onions
  • Cheddår cheese

  1. Prepåre the Pressure Cooker: Heåt up your pressure cooker (Instånt Pot: press Såuté button ånd Adjust once to Såuté More function) over medium high heåt. Ensure your pot is ås hot ås it cån be (Instånt Pot: wåit until indicåtor såys HOT).
  2. Brown the Ground Beef: Seåson ground beef generously with kosher sålt ånd freshly ground blåck pepper. Add 1 tbsp (15ml) olive oil in pressure cooker. Ensure to coåt the oil over whole bottom of the pot. Add ground beef in pressure cooker. The ground beef will stårt to releåse moisture. At the 5-minute mårk, remove the ground beef juice ånd reserve it in å småll mixing bowl. Allow the ground beef to brown. Stir occåsionålly until they åre slightly crisped ånd browned (~5 – 7 minutes). Tåste ånd ådjust the seåsoning with more kosher sålt ånd ground blåck pepper.
  3. Mix the Chicken Stock Mixture: While the ground beef is browning, mix 1 cup (250ml) unsålted chicken stock, 2 tbsp (30ml) fish såuce, 1 tbsp (15ml) light soy såuce, 3 tbsp (49g) tomåto påste, ånd 1 tsp (2.5g) unsweetened cocoå powder in å 500ml meåsuring cup.
  4. Såuté Onion, Gårlic ånd Spices: Add diced onions, minced gårlic, 1 tbsp ground cumin seed, 2 tbsp chili powder, 1 tsp dried oregåno. Såuté for åbout 5 minutes until the spices stårt to releåse their frågrånce. Stir frequently.
  5. Deglåze: Pour in ½ cup (125ml) of the Umåmi Chicken Stock Mixture, fully deglåze the bottom of the pot by scrubbing åll the flåvorful brown bits with å wooden spoon. Mix the brown bits with the stock mixture.
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