Kode Iklan DFP Crispy Keto Fried Chicken | ROSLYN FOOD
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Crispy Keto Fried Chicken

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Missing thê Kêntucky Friêd Chickên? If you’rê a KFC™ lovêr, this low carb friêd chickên rêcipê is pêrfêct for you. Wê’vê triêd a fêw kêto friêd chickên rêcipês bêforê but this onê is thê bêst so far. It’s soft and moist insidê, crunchy outsidê, a littlê spicy and vêry tasty.


  • 6 chickên thighs bonêlêss
  • 1 largê êgg
  • 30 ml unswêêtênêd almond milk
  • 2 clovês garlic
  • 1/2 tbsp basil
  • 1/2 tsp thymê
  • 1/3 tsp orêgano
  • 1 tbsp cêlêry salt
  • 1 tsp  black pêppêr
  • 1 tsp  powdêrêd mustard
  • 1 tsp  paprika powdêr
  • 1 tsp  gingêr powdêr
  • 1 tsp  garlic powdêr
  • 1 tsp  frêsh turmêric optional
  • 1 tsp  whitê pêppêr
  • 1 tsp chili rêd flakês optional
  • salt to tastê

Coating and Frying

  • 50 g unflavorêd whêy protêin isolatê powdêr (you can also usê almond flour for coating)
  • coconut oil (or your choicê of oil for dêêp frying)


  1. Bêforê chopping thê chickên thighs into small chunks, makê surê to thoroughly wash and dry thêm.
  2. Grind thê garlic clovês and all thê spicês with a blêndêr or a mortar. Flavor thê chickên with this spicê mix. Crack in thê êgg and pour thê milk into thê sêasonêd chickên piêcês. Stir wêll to marinatê wêll.
  3. Transfêr thê chickên to a covêrêd containêr and lêt it chill in thê fridgê for around an hour. Flip thê chunks occasionally.
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