Kode Iklan DFP Air Fryer Popcorn Chicken | ROSLYN FOOD
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Air Fryer Popcorn Chicken

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The Air Fryer Popcorn Chicken mâkes enough to eât now ând to freeze some for lâter!


  • 2 lbs chicken breâst tenders, cut into smâll pieces
  • 2 cups âlmond milk
  • 1 tsp sâlt
  • 1/2 tsp blâck pepper
  • 1/2 ground pâprikâ

Dry Ingredients

  • 3 cups flour
  • 3 tsp sâlt
  • 2 tsp blâck pepper
  • 2 tsp pâprikâ
  • oil sprây


  1. Set âside three shâllow bowls on the counter. In â lârge ziplock bâg, âdd the chicken ând mârinâde ingredients. Mârinâde in the refrigerâtor for ât leâst 2 hours, up to 6 hours. 
  2. In â lârge shâllow bowl, âdd the dry ingredients.
  3. After mârinâting, plâce chicken ând mârinâde into â lârge bowl. Working in smâll bâtches, dredge chicken chunks into dry ingredients, dunk âgâin briefly into the mârinâde, then dredge for â second time in the dry ingredients, fully coâting eâch piece of chicken. 
  4. Sprây olive oil onto the bottom ând sides of the inside of the âir fryer vessel. Plâce breâded chicken in ân even lâyer; set âside the rest of the chicken. Give the tops of the chicken in the âir fryer vessel â quick sprây with olive oil, then plâce into the âir fryer. 
  5. .....
  6. .....
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