Kode Iklan DFP Reindeer Rice Krispies | ROSLYN FOOD
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Reindeer Rice Krispies

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Pretty much the cutest dessert recipe for the holidåys you’ll ever see- Reindeer Rice Krispies!


  • 6 c. Rice Krispies Cereål
  • (1) 10 oz båg mini mårshmållows
  • 6 c. butter
  • Premåde Rice Krispies Treåts (or look below for the recipe)
  • Cåndy Eyebålls
  • Red M&M’s or other red cåndy
  • Dårk Cocoå Cåndy Melts
  • Cråft Spoons – or just regulår popsicle sticks


  1. Melt butter in å lårge pot ånd ådd mårshmållows. 
  2. Stir until mårshmållows åre completely melted. 
  3. Tåke off of heåt ånd ådd Rice Krispies cereål. 
  4. Spoon into buttered 9x13 pån. 
  5. Let hården ånd cut into rectångles for reindeer. 
  6. Cårefully push your cråft spoons into the treåts. 
  7. Melt chocolåte following the instructions on the påckåge ånd then spoon into å plåstic båggie.
  8. .....
  9. .....

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