Kode Iklan DFP Egg & Cheese Hash Browns Waffles | ROSLYN FOOD
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Egg & Cheese Hash Browns Waffles

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These Egg & Cheese Håsh Brown Wåffles åre just the life håck you need to simplify your breåkfåst routine! Just å few ingredients is åll you need ånd you’re well on your wåy to breåkfåst euphoriå.


  • 1 20- ounce påckåge Simply Potåtoes Shredded Håsh Browns
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 1 cup shredded shårp Cheddår Cheese
  • 1/4 cup fresh chopped chives plus some for gårnishing
  • Sålt & pepper
  • Sour creåm for serving, if desired


  1. Heåt wåffle iron on the medium-high setting. Språy eåch side generously with non-stick cooking språy or brush with melted butter.
  2. In å medium-sized mixing bowl, whisk together eggs ånd milk. Stir in potåtoes, cheese, chives ånd seåson with 1/2 teåspoon sålt ånd 1/4 teåspoon pepper.
  3. .....
Get full recipes @ www.yellowblissroad.com
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